1. How long can a wooden house made with CLT last?
A well-constructed CLT wooden house, with proper maintenance and care, can potentially last for centuries. Historic wooden farmhouses are examples of wooden structures with lifespans exceeding several hundred years.
2. How does CLT contribute to a sustainable future?
CLT, made from sustainably managed forests, has numerous advantages over conventional building materials. It actively reduces the greenhouse effect by storing carbon dioxide, and wood from dismantled CLT structures can be reused or repurposed for energy.
3. What are the benefits of building with CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber)?
CLT construction offers a positive CO2 balance, ecological sustainability, excellent insulation properties, fire protection, quick erection time, earthquake resistance, improved indoor climate, and more usable living space.
4. Is a wooden house maintenance-intensive? Does it require more maintenance than a conventional house? Does that mean higher costs?
Like any house, regular care and maintenance are required to keep the building in good condition. With consistent planned maintenance, there are no significant differences in effort or costs between wooden structures and other types of houses.
5. Is chemical treatment necessary to make wood durable?
No, advanced measures like roofing, cladding, correct construction techniques, and wood selection eliminate the need for chemical wood preservatives in construction. Acacia hardwood possess natural resistance and anti termite.
6. Are there specific areas where a wooden house lasts longer or shorter?
Yes, location and climatic conditions do matter. But generally, it doesn’t have a significant impact on the service life of standard-compliant wooden houses.
7. Are certain types of wood more durable than others?
Yes, hardwoods of species like Teak, Acacia, and also Oak are more durable when weathered compared to Spruce or Pinewood.
8. Is the forest being cut down for wooden houses?
The Acacia wood that’s being used for our CLT production comes from sustainable Indonesia forestry. The amount of wood harvested is limited to what can naturally regrow.
9. Doesn't wood quickly rot and mold?
Wood is susceptible to decay and mould if it remains intensely moist for extended periods. CLT Acacia panels are technically dried wood below 10-15%. Proper design and regulations are in place for exposed components.
10. How long does a wooden house actually last?
With professional construction and quality execution, a wooden house is highly durable. When maintenance and renovation measures are consistently carried out, a wooden house can last for several generations without issues.